Letter #17

Hey MOM!!! :D :D 

This week has been difficult. Mostly because NOBODY wants to answer the door. January is all the vacations so everyone is busy. It`s sad to think that this is my last week here in puerto madryn. I will find out transfers on saturday this week and depending on when my bus leaves will determine if I will be able to write next week. We`ll see what happens this comming pday :) 

Those pictures are of the zone conference we had with president. After, we had a huge asado. Those aren`t pigs over the fire. They are lambs. or as we call them here in argentina "corderos" They were soooooo tasty P:

Alfajores are a very common dessert here in argentina. The ones I bought have 3 cookies with dulce de leche in between the two "like a double decker sandwich" and after that they are bathed in either a chocolate, white chocolate, or marangue coating Px I will send you a picture.

I love hearing all the good news with brynnon talon and Lyndon. Tell them all I love them :) I`m happy to hear that the eagle court of honor was well.

Jesus the Christ is comming along really slowly for my too. Partially because we have a challenge from our president to read the book of mormon again and mark all the parts about christ in red and missionary stuff in blue. I also finished the book of mormon this last week again. (Separate from the challenge) And I know that it`s true. There is no doubt in my mind that it is. I understand more and more of the doctrines the more I read. That`s why we all need to read the BOM multiple times. 

I will keep you posted on if I get the package or not and also about transfers :) I hope you have a good week mom :) 

Con Amor 
Elder Kolton Elmer

p.s. I haven`t cut my hair since late november so......you can probably guess that my hair is reaaalllyyy long. Oh, you would kill me if you saw how long my hair is xD hahaha

I finished the BOM and I always get the same confirming witness that it`s true. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the book of mormon was translated by the gift and power of god. He loves you and knows you personally.

Missionary work is going great. I finished the book of mormon this week and I always get the same answer. There is no doubt in my mind that it is true. I know that joseph smith translated this marvelous book through the gift and power of god. He truly was a prophet :) In a way, The book of mormon is it`s own miracle :) I`ve had times in the mission where I`ve just wanted to go home but the lord has helped me. The miracle of the gift of tongues is true. The lord does complete all of his promises.

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